About Me


Dyslexia Training

As a trained Dyslexia Support Advisor I have delivered many Dyslexia Awareness sessions and supported dyslexic employees. I am a qualified and widely experienced trainer and I have a broad experience studying dyslexia, and living and working as a dyslexic.

I have spent over 31 years in Fire & Rescue Services, with experience in all levels of management, and in the multi agency context, ultimately reaching strategic management level.


I am therefore uniquely placed to understand the many perspectives, and interactions with staff who are dyslexic.


I have now turned my attention to my passion – dyslexia. I have been formaly diagnosed as having a dyslexic cognitive profile, and over my lifetime this has contributed to a wide range of experiences.

From early years at school though secondary school and 6th Form and into my employment I can personally relate to the issues of the dyslexic. I have researched and studied dyslexia for many years, I know, and most importantly I ‘understand’ dyslexia and can deliver that understanding to others. I can add richness to the sessions as I can illustrate and expand sessions with personal experience across a range of contexts.

I have long championed recognition of the qualities of the dyslexic, rather than focussing on the disability and I have worked hard to assist peoples understanding and awareness.

Because of my previous work supporting other dyslexics, and delivering Dyslexia Awareness sessions I have been often asked if I will provide this more widely.

I am now very happy to do this.

Whilst I am trained to screen for dyslexia I do not offer dyslexia testing as a service.

If you want more details please email me on dyslexia.training@btinternet.com