Public Sector

Dyslexia Awareness for Public Sector:

Increasing fiscal pressures mean that often we can no longer resource specialist posts to support agendas such as dyslexia. I am used to the pressures and constraints and can work to provide you a best value solution to your needs.

Are you missing the untapped potential of your dyslexic staff? Do your managers and staff recognise Dyslexia and how to capitalise on its advantages? Do you support them so you comply with DDA? Are you getting ‘best value’ from your staff?

I normally deliver sessions covering:

  • What is dyslexia
  • Myths of dyslexia
  • The personal perspective – what it is like to be a dyslexic employee.
  • How to benefit from your dyslexic staff
  • How to provide support to dyslexic staff
  • Just what is reasonable adjustment

I will create bespoke sessions to meet your business needs.

I can also provide consultancy including recruitment and selection testing and evaluation, business practices, reasonable adjustments to professional opinion in discipline or reasonable adjustment cases. Please see here

Please contact me discuss your specific needs at